General discussion of SQL Topics; aimed for the novice-intermediate level Microsoft SQL Server User. Currently focuses on using SQL Server 2005.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Updated: Search Stored Procedures for Dependencies / References

In a discussion on the MSDN Forums I had posted my original code to search a Stored Procedure (search any object within SQL really) for specific text ( You can view my original blog post describing this code block at:

Adam Haines had posted a wonderful enhancement to my T-SQL code. He had returned the matching text result as an XML instead of a text, this allows the user to click on the returned text and have the resulting text appear in a new window.

The new code, with the XML returned results, is:


OBJECT_DEFINITION(obj2.object_id) AS [text()]   
from sys.all_objects obj2   
where obj2.object_id = obj1.object_id   
) AS Obj_text,   
[type] as ObjType    
FROM sys.all_objects obj1  
WHERE OBJECT_DEFINITION(object_id([name])) LIKE '%' + @StringToSearch + '%'
--Optional to limit search results....    
--AND [is_ms_shipped] = 0 --Only search user & post SQL release objects
--Change above to 1 if want to search only Microsoft provided objects released with SQL Server
--AND [type] = 'P' --Search only Stored Procedures
--AND [type] <> 'V' --Exclude Views
--See referenced article for listing of additional object types

Thanks again for this enhancement Adam!

Until next time, Happy Coding!!!

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