General discussion of SQL Topics; aimed for the novice-intermediate level Microsoft SQL Server User. Currently focuses on using SQL Server 2005.

Monday, March 10, 2008

BACKUP (Transact-SQL)

This is a simple reference to the "Backup" T-SQL syntax. This syntax is probably one of the most simple, complicated and yet important syntaxes to know.

It's simple because you have a few different options, first you can use SQL Server Management Studio to do your complete backup (full, differential, and transactional). You can also create a backup using the T-SQL syntax directly and it is quite simple even though the below T-SQL syntax can make it look scarier.

Here's an example of a very simple T-SQL backup (you can find more at the link to the MSDN Books Online reference below the syntax):

DATABASE   AdventureWorks  
TO   DISK   = 'Z:\SQLServerBackups\AdvWorksData.bak'  

It's complex because...well, just look at the full syntax! It can get to be very complex if you want to enable a lot of features; and this can be a very, very good thing if you need to leverage power when the SSMS wizards/built-in tools just can't give you what you want.

It's important because...well, I hope you already know this. If you don't have a backup and something happens to your data, then you are up a creek without a paddle and just about starting to go over the Niagara Falls! If you ever hear someone tell you that you are backing up too frequently or you are overkill on backups, then I'd simply walk away from that person as quickly as possible. If you value your position, and don't want to be the one to explain to the owner (or your boss) why it is that at 4 AM the system went down and the $100,000 in transactions didn't get saved because you are only backing up daily instead of after EVERY transaction then make sure you understand backups, how to restore, and what different options are available to you.

Ok, enough of the CYA talk. Now lets get to the syntax. As mentioned already, it looks scary and complicated. Hopefully, with the above example of 1 usage you will see that it is simple to use. The thing to keep in mind is that Microsoft is providing all of your backup needs rolled into 1 command. So this means that there are many options you won't use unless you are doing a differential backup, likewise with full and transactional backups.

Keep your backups fresh..treat them like Milk..don't let one sit around for too long without checking it, and...

Replace your backups on a regular basis!

Until next time...happy coding!

SQL Server 2005 Books Online (September 2007)

BACKUP (Transact-SQL)

Updated: 1 February 2007

Backs up a complete database, or one or more files or filegroups (BACKUP DATABASE). Also, under the full recovery model or bulk-logged recovery model, backs up the transaction log (BACKUP LOG).

Topic link icon Transact-SQL Syntax Conventions


Backing Up a Whole Database  BACKUP DATABASE { database_name | @database_name_var }   TO <backup_device> [ ,...n ]   [ <MIRROR TO clause> ] [ next-mirror-to ]   [ WITH { DIFFERENTIAL | <general_WITH_options> [ ,...n ] } ]

Backing Up Specific Files or Filegroups
BACKUP DATABASE { database_name | @database_name_var }  <file_or_filegroup> [ ,...n ]   TO <backup_device> [ ,...n ]   [ <MIRROR TO clause> ] [ next-mirror-to ]   [ WITH { DIFFERENTIAL | <general_WITH_options> [ ,...n ] } ]

Creating a Partial Backup
BACKUP DATABASE { database_name | @database_name_var }  READ_WRITE_FILEGROUPS [ , <read_only_filegroup> [ ,...n ] ]   TO <backup_device> [ ,...n ]   [ <MIRROR TO clause> ] [ next-mirror-to ]   [ WITH { DIFFERENTIAL | <general_WITH_options> [ ,...n ] } ]

Backing Up the Transaction Log (full and bulk-logged recovery models)
BACKUP LOG { database_name | @database_name_var }   TO <backup_device> [ ,...n ]   [ <MIRROR TO clause> ] [ next-mirror-to ]   [ WITH { <general_WITH_options> | <log-specific_optionspec> } [ ,...n ] ]

Truncating the Transaction Log (breaks the log chain)
BACKUP LOG { database_name | @database_name_var }   WITH { NO_LOG | TRUNCATE_ONLY }

<backup_device>::=  {    { logical_device_name | @logical_device_name_var }  | { DISK | TAPE } =      { 'physical_device_name' | @physical_device_name_var }  }

<MIRROR TO clause>::=  MIRROR TO <backup_device> [ ,...n ]

<file_or_filegroup>::=  {    FILE = { logical_file_name | @logical_file_name_var }  | FILEGROUP = { logical_filegroup_name | @logical_filegroup_name_var }  }

FILEGROUP = { logical_filegroup_name | @logical_filegroup_name_var }

<general_WITH_options> [ ,...n ]::=
--Backup Set Options       COPY_ONLY   | DESCRIPTION = { 'text' | @text_variable }  | NAME = { backup_set_name | @backup_set_name_var }  | PASSWORD = { password | @password_variable }  | [ EXPIREDATE = { date | @date_var }         | RETAINDAYS = { days | @days_var } ]  | NO_LOG

--Media Set Options    { NOINIT | INIT }  | { NOSKIP | SKIP }  | { NOFORMAT | FORMAT }  | MEDIADESCRIPTION = { 'text' | @text_variable }  | MEDIANAME = { media_name | @media_name_variable }  | MEDIAPASSWORD = { mediapassword | @mediapassword_variable }  | BLOCKSIZE = { blocksize | @blocksize_variable }

--Data Transfer Options    BUFFERCOUNT = { buffercount | @buffercount_variable }  | MAXTRANSFERSIZE = { maxtransfersize | @maxtransfersize_variable }

--Error Management Options    { NO_CHECKSUM | CHECKSUM }  | { STOP_ON_ERROR | CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR }

--Compatibility Options    RESTART

--Monitoring Options    STATS [ = percentage ]

--Tape Options    { REWIND | NOREWIND }  | { UNLOAD | NOUNLOAD }

--Log-specific Options    { NORECOVERY | STANDBY = undo_file_name }  | NO_TRUNCATE

BACKUP (Transact-SQL)

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